Updates // Emily

posted on: 11/23/14

What I've Been Up To : These past few month's have been filled with picture taking and designing ads for projects ( If you didn't know I go to school for Advertising) I'm also taking a black and white film course. I'm really enjoying the process but it honestly makes me so grateful for my DSLR. I'm shooting medium format on a mamiya 645 which is super nice. I'm also working on sending out Christmas cards and doing my best to stay in my apartment to hide from the freezing cold weather in Toronto. I would say that my relationship with netflicks has reached the point of pretty serious. As I've fully finished Friday Night Lights while editing and have a total crush on the character of Matt Saracen. I was honoured to shoot two look book's last month for some pretty talented designers and excited to show them to you. That's pretty much it.      

What I'm 
Excited for: 
I've been having some pretty hard core wanderlust problems lately. I'm starting to save for a trip to Hawaii this summer. I want to go backpacking there and explore. I've googling and looking at flight pricing on a daily bases.   

Grateful For : 
I'm honestly so grateful for all of my clients that have been with me from the beginning and have booked this fall season. Thank you for helping me with paying for school and living.